Next time you’re in a hurry, you might want to try to use facial massage as an alternative to the more typical in-the-chair deep tissue massage.
Facial massage involves pressing on specific points on the face which can cause dellucidating of wrinkles and periferal muscle relaxation. For many people, this type of massage also stimulates circulation and helps circulate your lymphatic system. It is used to rejuvenate the face, help relieve headaches, and strengthen the immune system.
Lying face up on a table, have your masseur press down on the back of your head and throat, then press down along the sides of your neck and jaw. Do the same with your shoulder blades and upper back. Gently move down the length of your back and your lower back.
Stroke the base of your skull just behind your neck, and massaging down your spine with one or both hands, massage up into your shoulders, arms, and hands.
Face your masseur as you would the bed of a steam shower or Jacuzzi. Pressing your head forward, the masseur moves your head back and forth while stroking your neck and shoulders. Then he or she moves you gently back and forth from side to side.
Standing on a table, have your massage places in Sugar Land, TX your feet, calves, and back of legs. Stretching the back of your legs, stroke down your thigh and legs, finishing with your knees.
You’ll find the right facial massage for you. One that feels natural and that brings total relaxation. When you decide on a massage for yourself, make sure you have a wonderful massage therapist, who will give you the attention you deserve, and who will provide a sensitive and positive experience.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body, which lies under the epithelium. The skin is the body’s largest single organ. It performs numerous vital functions, including protection from exposure to the environment, regulation of body temperature, metabolism of nutrients, control of salt and water balance, the production of sweat, and secretion of various substances.
It has a protective covering known as the stratum corneum, which has an outer layer of dead cells that acts as a barrier against infection, burns, and the outside environment.